Become part of our continuously growing network of DAYRA contributors and sellers

Why sell with DAYRA?

DAYRA is offering a winning seller deal, that is too good to miss out on!

If you are interested in easily earning extra cash while making a contribution to a social or an environmental cause that you are passionate about, then you have found your match in DAYRA.

  • Items are sold anonymously and confidentiality through our secure platform and your identity is safe with us not to be disclosed!
  • Contribute to a social or an environmental cause that you are passionate about; yes you can always use shopping for a good cause, believe it or not! 
  • Earn extra cash in a fast and easy manner 
  • Sell fast, thanks to DAYRA’s growing customer base, brand credibility and outreach
  • In addition to these awesome reasons for selling with us, you can always use the extra cash to buy your next amazing piece of clothing, bag, shoe or accessory that you have been eyeing lately:) 
  • Besides, doesn’t it feel good to know that your clothing have found a new home and owner that treasures it? Yes you can also feel proud!
  • Declutter your closet and make room for items that you want to purchase and wear more often. 

What to sell with DAYRA?

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