57357 Cancer hospital
Not only are they treating children with cancer, 57357 cancer hospital represents a unique model of a world-class treatment hospital free of charge for all Egyptian children equally. They deserve our help.
Abu ElReesh Children Hospital
In a continuous race to save lives and children, Abou el Reesh hospital is one of the oldest operating public hospitals in Egypt. Serving people for free. With an overflow of patients and never-ending need for supplies and equipment, the hospital is always financially struggling to keep up with the costs. They need donations to keep doing their great work.
Zeinab Ezzat Orphanage in old Cairo
Nothing more elating and satisfying than putting a smile on a child’s face and provide them with safety and a healthy wellbeing. With this in mind, supporting the future of our country requires giving our support to children who are the building blocks of our future. Dayra is supporting the Zeinab Ezzat orphanage.